These are pictures taken outside of our hotel. The first one is the view outside of my hotel room window and the second is the front of the hotel. The last two are looking up and down the street in front of the hotel. The bridge goes over the railroad tracks and we walk down the dirt roads to get to the little restaurant where we eat dinner. The building next to the hotel is a car repair place, and the first floor of the hotel is a new restaurant and soon to be a hair salon. Everything about this place is so foreign, but there are some things of western culture thast crop up once in a while. Most of the young people have cell phones and there are a lot of cars. We passed litterally thousands of cars on car hauling trucks headed for Moscow during the 7 hour trip from the airport to here.(It is only 120KM- 70 miles or so). Most of the cars were foreign - Honda, Mercedes, Toyota, Hyundai,a few Chevysand Fords- cars you can't buy in the states. Only a handful of big cars- Saw 2-3 Tahoes/Expeditions, and 1 Hummer.Lots of LandRover Discoverys. No larger pickups, only the small ones. Funny though all the imported cars all had the american names on them. If you were going to export a Hyundai Santa-Fe to Russia from Korea wouldn't you give it a Russian name?
More later about my trip to the supermarket
1 comment:
Looks like a pretty happening place there! Dont get into too much trouble with all those exciting things there for you to go to and do. Hehehe
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